This website was created and launched in March 2016 by Rear Admiral Jeremy “Bear” Taylor (USN, ret.) with the expert assistance of his step-daughter Angie aka “Mighty Thunder.” Bear flew 200+ missions over Southeast Asia with VA-113 Stingers flying the Douglas A-4 Skyhawk. The purpose is to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Vietnam War and honor the brave men who flew strikes on military targets in the Vietnam theater. Bear and Angie certainly accomplished this daunting mission with precision and gusto.
Within the pages of this site are more than 1,200 posts covering daily occurrences of both Operation Rolling Thunder (North Vietnam March 1965-October 1968) and Operation Commando Hunt (Cambodia & Laos November 1968-March 1972). It took nearly five years to compose and post summaries covering nearly every day of the war. Along with narratives from the quasi-journalists at the New York Times and other major news outlets, Bear and other veterans who flew in Rolling Thunder have also added their own invaluable commentary and personal recollections.