LEST WE FORGET… IT WAS “THE BEST WEEK IN THREE MONTHS,” THE AMERICAN FIGHTING FORCES IN SOUTHEAST ASIA ONLY LOST 163 TROOPS KILLED IN BATTLE…. On 2 September 1963 President John F. Kennedy said in a television interview with Walter Cronkite: “I don’t think that unless a greater effort is made by the government (of South Vietnam) to win popular support that the war can be won out there. In the final analysis, it is their war. They are the ones who have to win it or lose it. We can help them, we can give them equipment, we can send our men out there as advisors, but they have to win it, the people of Vietnam, against the communists.”… Five years later the United States had more than 500,000 troops fighting an aimless land war in Southeast Asia and sending–every week– more than 200 body bags of brave men killed in action to be buried in the cemeteries of their homeland … REMEMBER THEM…Remember how it came to pass that more than 58,400 American men and eight women would die for a cause that defied definition…
Good Morning. It is Monday, 22 July 2019. Humble Host remembers the twenty-fifth week of OPERATION COMMANDO HUNT, the week ending 4 May 1969…
I… HEADLINES FROM THE NEW YORK TIMES for 28 April through 4 May 1969…
A. THE WAR… (28 April) G.I.’s REPEL NEW ENEMY THRUST IN FIERCE BATTLE NEAR CAMBODIA U.S. RETURNS FIRE–Munitions Burn At Danang… “Heavy fighting raged near Cambodian border today for the second day as American infantrymen turned back an attack by about 300 of the enemy…10-0 enemy soldiers and 10 Americans had been killed in 90 minutes of fighting eight miles from the border and 29 miles northwest of Saigon. Three Americans were wounded.”… (29 Apr) MARINES REPULSE ATTACK NEAR DMZ–5 Americans And 34 Of Foe Killed In 4-Hour Battle… (30 Apr) 2 MORE COPTERS ARE SHOT DOWN–Total Is Now 17 In Last Week–Losses Comparable To 1968 When Tet Offensive Took 72 Copters In A Month… (1 May) MARINES KILL 55 OF FOE NEAR DANANG… (2 May) BATTLE TOLL DROPS IN VIETNAM–163 Men Died Last Week–A Three-Month Low… “…One hundred sixty-three Americans died in action during the week in fighting that was characterized as light and scattered by an American spokesman. American deaths for the previous week 218. Enemy deaths last week were put at 3,662… South Vietnamese Army reported that 237 Government soldiers were killed…”… (3 May) CAMBODIA REPORTS DOWNING 2 COPTERS KILLING 4 AMERICANS… “…four Americans were killed and four were wounded when two U.S. Navy helicopters were shot down by gunfire and crashed in Cambodia…A third helicopter recovered all of the wounded and one body. The other three bodies were not recovered….Cambodia reported that the helicopters were shot down by Cambodian police when the Navy helos flew over the police post in Cambodia.”… U.S. ARMOR OVERRUNS VIETCONG BUNKERS IN VIETNAM JUNGLE… “…during a 4-hour battle on the southern edges of a jungle 35 miles northeast of Saigon. The bodies of 28 enemy soldiers were found while two Americans were wounded. Several armored vehicles were damaged.”… “The command said that 2,568 United States helicopters and 2,681 planes had been lost in the war. A United States spokesman also reported that 38,000 enemy troops had been killed since the opening of the offensive on February 22. ‘We estimate that the enemy’s activities have decreased because he did not have any choice,’ the spokesman said. These are serious losses. another reason for the enemy lull has been the number of caches of weapons and food found by allied forces since the first of the year. The spokesman said that these enemy caches had yielded 2,500 rockets and 110,000 mortar rounds, 20,000 one-man weapons and 3,300 crew-served weapons, and 2,500 tons of rice, enough to feed 50 battalions of 500 men for 4 months.”… (4 May) U.S. TANK FORCE BATTLES ENEMY 50 MILES NORTH OF SAIGON… “Vietcong troops pinned an American tank force down with armor-piercing rocket grenade…today. The United States tanks fought back, strafing the guerrilla positions with machine gun fire and powerful 90mm shells yesterday near Anloc. As the five-hour battle raged through the morning, more United States troops and rocket-firing helicopters reinforced the Americans, forcing the Vietcong to flee into the undergrowth. The bodies of 19 enemy soldiers were found in the search of the battle scene. American losses were one killed and four wounded.”… “In the neighboring province of Tayninh, B-52 bombers took off at dawn to pound suspected Vietcong bunkers and storage areas in two raids today.”…
B. PEACE TALKS IN PARIS: (28-30 Apr- No coverage) (1 May) VIETCONG OFFER DISCUSSION ON BASIS OF THEIR FIVE POINTS… Drew Middleton from Paris… “The chief negotiator for the National Liberation Front, or Vietcong, said at the peace talks today that ‘on the basis of its position,’ the Front was ready for ‘discussions with the other parties to make the conference move forward.'”… the “remarks aroused speculation that the Vietcong might be offering a lead toward meaningful peace discussions.”... (2 May) FLEXIBILITY SEEN IN VIETCONG EFFORT–U.S. Officials Guarded But Piqued By Kiem Remark… “Some American officials privately acknowledged today that a statement by Tran Buu Kiem, chief Vietcong negotiator in Paris, showed more flexibility and could signal some willingness to move into secret talks….The remark has piqued the interest of American officials, although the Nixon Administration is seeking to play down its significance.”… SAIGON WAITS FOR ‘ACTS’… “South Vietnam is waiting for ‘acts instead of words’ to prove the Vietcong is prepared to begin bilateral talks.”… (4 May) U.S. OFFICIALS FIND NEW HOPEFULNESS IN VIETNAM TALKS–White House Aides Report Some Hints Of Progress–Counter Senate Critics–Cite Dip In Casualties–President’s Mood Is Called Cautiously Optimistic On Prospects For Peace….
Document 64 from the State Department’s FRUS, Vietnam 1969-1976, Volume VI: Vietnam, January 1969-July 1970. Memorandum From the President’s Assistant for National Security Affairs (Kissinger) to President Nixon…Subject: State Department Memorandum on Vietnam:
“The Department of State believes that Hanoi has adopted a more moderate tone in the recent plenary sessions in Paris. Following are some of the shifts which State detects; (1) The DRV spokesmen are dealing more readily with the actual issues by the U.S. and GVN; (2) The DRV has had less to say about the necessity of a ‘peace cabinet’ in South Vietnam in recent sessions. State concludes that they are beginning to recognize that they may eventually have to deal with the GVN in private negotiations: (3) In recent sessions, the DRV has focused on its four point position, dwelling particularly on point three which asserts that the internal affairs in SVN must be settled in accordance with the NLF program. By elaborating on this point, State believes the DRV has been attempting to project a tone of moderation since it has been stressing the allegedly democratic, neutral, and peaceful nature of its proposition.
“State concludes that the display of moderation has at least three purposes: (1) To make a favorable impression on U.S. public and political opinion: (2) To influence the South Vietnamese body politic, making sure that Thieu’s recent statements do not go unchallenged; and, (3) To attempt to encourage U.S. political concessions during the current military ‘lull’ in South Vietnam.”
C. THE REST OF THE NYT HEAD LINES… (28 Apr) ANTIWAR G.I.’S AND ARMY HEAD FOR CLASH OVER VIETNAM–Activists Say The Efforts Will Help To End The War–Officials Concerned But ‘Think’ We can Hold Our Own Ground… “‘The new action army’ that is proclaimed these days in recruiting posters is approaching a collision over the war in Vietnam with the young dissenters and militant New Leftists who have been filling its ranks through the draft. The young activists in uniform are declaring that their growing display of asserted ‘legal’ harassment and frankly illegal resistance is the decisive Battle of Vietnam, which will only help to end the war but may also rebuke ‘militarism’ in the United States….the G.I. dissenters, despite their small number among 1.4 million soldiers, are causing serious concern within the Army’s leadership.”… DE GAULLE QUITS AFTER LOSING REFERENDUM–Senate Leader to Serve Pending Election–Vote Weeks Away–President, In Office A Decade, Will Leave Today… RESIGNATION STIRS HOPES FOR WEST EUROPEAN UNITY… NEW PRESSURES ON FRANCE ARE EXPECTED IN PARIS CRISIS… CHINESE AFFIRM HARD-LINE STAND IN PARTY REPORT–Lin Asks War Preparation–United Front to Oppose U.S. And Soviet Urged... (29 Apr) POHER IN DE GAULLE POST FOR PRE-ELECTION PERIOD–Pompidou Favored To Win–Gold Soars–Franc Falls–Quick Devaluation Doubted–General de Gaulle Landed For Stepping Down–Interim President Calls On France to Maintain Unity… BRITAIN AND ITALY PLEDGE TO SEEK EUROPEAN UNITY–Comment On France Omitted–Nixon Praises De Gaulle… TOKYO STUDENTS PROTESTING U.S. RULE IN OKINAWA BATTLE POLICE–Okinawans Protest Quietly… DUBCEK ELECTED HEAD OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA ASSEMBLY… (30 Apr) PRESIDENT URGES COLLEGES TO MEET DISORDER FIRMLY–He Calls On Them To Display Backbone Against Those Who Go Beyond Dissent–Terrorism Denounced–Nixon Tells U.S. Chamber of Commerce Latin Experience Shows Risk of Student Power… WEAPONLESS SOVIET MAY DAY PARADE–One More Puzzle For Washington–‘A Kremlin Mystery’… 25 CAROLINA STUDENTS ARRESTED–Negroes Had Given Up Guns and Got Amnesty Pledge–Guard And Troops Sent Over College Heads Protest… (1 May) ADMINISTRATION GETS STUDY OF GLOBAL NUCLEAR STUDY–National Security Council Will Take Up Comprehensive Analysis of Options, Including A Sweeping Modification… ARAB GUERRILLAS FIGHT LEBANESE–Infiltration Curb Believed Issue–Suez Deal Follows Raid–Commandos Attack Post… CURRENCY JITTERS HIT EUROPE AGAIN–Speculators Drive Franc to Lower Limit and Mark Near Allowable Peak… SIHANOUK SHIFTS STAND ON U.S. TIES–Rejects Declaration On The Borders of Cambodia… “Prince Norodom Sihanouk, Cambodia’s chief of state, reversed himself today and rejected a new United States initiative aimed at restoring relations severed nearly four years ago.”… TWO COLUMBIA HALLS SEIZE– Writ Is Served On Radicals… HANOI SEES FAILURE FOR U.S. TROOP WITHDRAWAL PLAN… “North Vietnam’s main official newspaper forecast failure today for the United States’ attempt to turn much of the war effort over to South Vietnamese forces. ‘The puppet troops fighting for an unjust cause will never on their own be able to resist the powerful shock of the people’s war,’ Nhan Dan, the Communist party daily, declared.”… “The people who are now struggling are brothers of the people of South Vietnam fighting for the liberty and independence of their country around the flag of the National Liberation Front, the authentic representatives of the South Vietnamese people.”… (2 May) SOVIET MAY DAY STRESSES PEACE–Omits Arms Show–Brezhnev In Main Speech Affirm Readiness For Talks With the West Flanked By Marshals–Red Square Parade Limited To Civil Demonstration For First Time Since World War II… SENATORS ASSAIL CAMPUS VIOLENCE–Inquiries Urged–Justice Department Chiefs Also Critical–A Second House Investigation Started–Attorney General Mitchell Asserts Nixon Has Been Patient–Colleges Asked To Apply Laws… (3 May) TWO MORE CAMPUSES OF NEW YORK CITY UNIVERSITY CLOSED–Both Queens and Brooklyn Colleges Shut As A Result of Student Violence–Windows Smashed At One–3 Fires Set At the Other… FRENCH WILL VOTE JUNE 1 ON de GAULLE’S SUCCESSOR… (4 May) ACADEMIC BODY DEPLORES MITCHELL’S VIEW ON UNREST… “The American Association of University Professors found today ‘a direct threat to academic freedom’ in speeches on campus disruptions by Attorney General John N. Mitchell and other spokesmen for the Nixon Administration. a resolution approved by a majority of the 800 delegates (representing 90,000 professors around the country) attending the annual convention in Minneapolis, said that the Nixon Administration’s position was ‘of grave concern.'”… SIX S.D.S. MEMBERS SEIZED AT CORNELL–Criminal Trespass Charges Pressed After Disruption of R.O.T.C. Campus Drill… CAMPUS DISORDER BRINGS DEMANDS FOR STATES TO ACT–Governor’s Seek New Laws–7 Legislatures Adopt Anti-Disruption Acts…
II. COMMANDO HUNT I… The following has been extracted from the PACAF SOUTHEAST ASIA AIR OPERATIONS SUMMARY, Volume LVII, April 1969…
“The number of attack sorties flown in Laos during April decreased 4% below the level established the previous month. Steel Tiger was under the influence of south to southwesterly winds causing variable cloudiness and widely scattered showers. This area is now in the southwest monsoon transitional period and deteriorating weather conditions are expected. Although previously persistent haze dissipated at times, it continued to adversely affect air operations in the southern portion of the country. In Barrel Roll, low stratus and fog were present during the early morning hours and isolated thunderstorms prevailed nearly every day. Weather conditions were generally favorable for operations during the late morning, afternoon and early evening hours.”
“There was a three-fold increase in Arc Light sorties flows in Laos (and Cambodia), 738 versus last month’s 238. The number of reported secondary explosions and fires increased substantially as strikes attacked lucrative concentrations of supplies backed-up by closure of key interdiction points. A special Arc Light operation (MENU) was conducted against Base Area 610 from 8-11 April. 124 sorties were flown resulting in 191 secondaries. From 9-15 April, 75 B-52 sorties struck the logistic complex known to exist west of the junction of routes 92 and 922k. There was a subsequent two-thirds reduction in truck flow through the area.”
“Reconnaissance aircraft flew 1,116 successful sorties in Laos. 136 were unsuccessful, primarily due to weather. 513 ECM/ELINT/ARDF sorties supporting operations in Laos were flown by EB-66 and EC-47 aircraft. Laser camera equipped RF-4Cs operating from Udorn RTAB flew their first operational mission on 2 April. A total of 36 such COMPASS COUNT sorties were flown during the course of the month providing relatively high resolution night photography without the use of flash cartridges. Not limited by the number of cartridges aboard, laser camera equipped reconnaissance aircraft can cover extended areas on a single night photo mission.”
“USAF attack sorties decreased 10% to 8,645. Additionally, USAF flew 6,893 combat support sorties in Laos. This included FAC, SAR, command and control, reconnaissance, tanker and flare missions. The USN flew 3,255 attack sorties and the USMC 913. …”
“Pilots and Roadwatch Teams (RWT) sighted 14,784 vehicles (9,028 and 5,756, respectively). Average daily sightings for the reporting period are 493 or 11% less than during the previous month.”
“The enemy Triple A Order of Battle in Laos now stands at 475 37/57mm guns and 158 automatic weapons. This is a decrease of 5% in the total number of AAA weapons reported since last month but still represents an increase of 2.7 times in Laotian enemy air defenses since 1 November 1968. These figures are photo confirmed. Additionally, it is believed that 85mm, and possibly 100mm guns, are currently deployed in Laos. During April, attacks on gun positions in Steel Tiger resulted in a reported 109 guns destroyed and 48 damaged. In Barrel Roll, 12 were destroyed and 6 damaged.”
“A number of command and control changes affecting operations in Laos were implemented during the month. The COMMANDO HUNT area has been eliminated as a distinct entity within Southern Laos. Task Force Alpha terminated control operations and has been directed to develop IGLOO WHITE sensor surveillance throughout Steel Tiger. This completes the initial testing phase of IGLOO WHITE and recognizes the need to monitor increasing enemy logistics flow in the southern portion of the country. 7AF now frags all Laos strikes and exercises control of combat aircraft through the C-130 ABCCC aircraft.”
“Laos is divided into 2 sections: Northern Laos is Barrel Roll and Southern Laos is Steel Tiger. Effective 13 April, CRICKET/ALLEY CAT ABCCC controlled Barrel Roll and northern portions of Southern Laos and the northern portions of Route Package I in North Vietnam. HILLSBORO/MOONBEAM controlled Steel Tiger South and the southern portion of RP-I.”
III. AIRCRAFT LOSSES IN SOUTHEAST ASIA: Week 25 of OPERATION COMMANDO HUNT: 28 APRIL THROUGH 4 MAY 1969… References include Chris Hobson’s VIETNAM AIR LOSSES. During the week ending 4 May the United Staates lost eleven (11) fixed wing aircraft and four (4) intrepid aviators…
(1) On 28 April an F-4B of VFMA-314 and MAG-13 out of Chu Lai crewed by CAPTAIN J.S. GARZIK,USMC, and CAPTAIN F.I. MASSEY, USMC, was part of a flight of Phantoms attacking a target in the hills 30 miles west of Hue when hit by ground fire. CAPTAIN GARZIK was recovering from his first attack and passing 2,000-feet when hit and set afire. Both aviators were forced to eject about 10 miles west of Hue where they were rescued by an Army helicopter. Both aviators suffered minor injuries…
(2) On 28 April an A-7A of the VA-37 Bulls embarked in USS Kitty Hawk suffered an engine failure on a combat mission requiring the pilot to eject. The cause of the loss was material failure. The pilot survived to fly and fight again.
(3) On 28 April an F-8J of the VF-53 Iron Angels embarked in USS Bon Homme Richard piloted by LTJG M.E. MANSELL suffered an engine failure on a CAP mission and was required to eject from the burning aircraft. He was rescued from the sea snakes in the Gulf of Tonkin by helicopter to hunt and kill again…
(4) On 29 April a C-130B of the 29th TAS and 463rd TAW out of Clark AFB, Philippines was hit by ground fire while landing at the airfield 70 miles north of Saigon (Loc Ninh). The pilot MAJOR R.F. FROMM made a crash landing of the burning Hercules and the entire crew was clear of the aircraft before it burned and blew.
(5) On 30 April an F-100D of the 416th TFS and 37th TFW out of Phu Cat piloted by MAJOR R.E. GIBSON was on a sensor seeding mission 15 miles north of Bien Hoa and flying at 500-feet when hit by ground fire. He was forced to eject about 15 miles northwest of Saigon, where an Army helicopter made the rescue.
(6) On 30 April an RF-4C of the 16th TRS and 460th TRW flown by MAJOR GLENN ALLYN GORDON and MAJOR FRANCIS ERNEST STEWART went down on an approach to Danang killing both aviators. Chris Hobson tells the story. “An RF-4C had been shot down on 17 April when trying to obtain photographs of Route 912 near Ban Topen, west of the Ban Karai Pass. On the last day of the month another RF-4C was dispatched to try to obtain photographs of the same route. MAJOR GORDON and MAJOR STEWART were flying at about 5,000 feet when their Phantom was hit but MAJOR GORDON managed to fly his crippled aircraft all the way to Danang. Unfortunately, the aircraft was destroyed and the crew killed during an attempted emergency landing at the base. The decision to attempt a landing in a badly damaged aircraft in the hope of returning the precious film was always a difficult one, as the mission would only have to be repeated until the required photographs had been obtained. Sadly, in this case, luck was against the crew.”… Both aviators rest in peace in Sacremento. MAJOR GORDON is buried at the Sierra Hills Cemetery and MAJOR STEWART is buried at East Lawn Cemetery. Both are memorialized on The Wall at Tan Son Nhut in Saigon… glory gained, duty done… remembered here with respect and admiration, 50 years after their final flight for our country…
Humble Host adds a final note below: A remembrance left by MAJOR GORDON’s daughter Julie…
(7) On 2 May an A-7A of the VA-105 Gunfighters embarked in USS Kitty Hawk piloted by LCDR W.J. O’CONNER (Canyon Passage 413) was hit by ground fire while making a strafing pass on a storage site at dusk near Route 912 south of the Ashau Valley. The Corsair II electrical and engine systems failed and LCDR O’CONNER was forced to eject near the target. He was rescued by an Air Force SAR HH-3E helicopter of the 37th ARRS piloted by MAJOR ANTHONY F. ARGO and his crew (HOWELL, MANES AND NARDI)…
(8) On 2 May an O-2A of the 23 TASS and 504th TASG out of Nakhon Phanom piloted by NAIL 110, FAC 1LT PHILLIP LOUIS MASCARI was lost in the same area as the A-7 Corsair a short time later. 1LT MASCARI was on his 33rd mission when he went down. Fifty years later MAJOR MASCARI remains where he fell on the battlefield in Southeast Asia and is carried as “XX”–presumed killed in action… LEFT BEHIND… Read the Task Force Omega report on 1LT Mascari…The rest of the story in Humble Host’s End Note…
(9) On 2 May an F-105A of the 354th TFS and 355th TFW out of Takhli was lost after a loss of oil pressure and resultant engine failure. The crew of two ejected safely near Takhli and were later rescued. The crew of “Dallas 02” was rescued by an HH-43B of the 38th ARRS piloted R.M. Viscara to fly and strike again…
(10) On 4 May an F-100C of the 188th TFS (New Mexico ANG) and 31st TFW out of Tuy Hoa piloted by CAPTAIN MICHAEL T. ADAMS (“Litter 22”) was shot down on a COMMANDO HUNT mission while bombing a storage area near Ban Nathon Mai, 40 miles west of the DMZ. CAPTAIN ADAMS was able to eject but was killed in the process. His body was recovered by the parachute rescue jumper (PJ) and the crew of an HH-53 of the 40th ARRS. CAPTAIN ADAMS is buried at Santa Fe National Cemetery.
(11) On 4 May an F-8J of the VF-53 Iron Angels was lost on a CAP mission when the engine failed. The pilot was recovered to fly and fight again…
Found on the internet: a remembrance of MAJOR MASCARI written by Jacqueline A. BeuBeusse…
“I knew Jeanne and Sal Mascari. They lived near me for years. They were a loving couple. They devoted decades to seeking information on Phillip. I attended Phillip’s Memorial Service in Caldwell, New Jersey. Most of the town attended his Mass. The POW/MIA flag flies on the flag pole on the Green in the center of the town in Caldwell in Phillip L. Mascari’s honor. The tree that is planted in his name grows nearby the MIA/POW flag. The tree is planted at Major Phillip Mascari Lane. Major Mascari is remembered forever with love and promise of always remembering the town’s honorable U.S. Air Force MIA/POW.
“The town of Caldwell has a rich history dating back to the American Revolution. It is named for Rev. James Caldwell, Fighting Parson of the American Revolution. Rev. Caldwell used the pages of hymn books for wadding for the riffles–to light the paper to ignite the gunpowder in their rifles. Caldwell and the neighboring towns and much of New Jersey is known as ‘The Cockpit of the American Revolution.’ Caldwell is the birthplace of a US president. President Grover Cleveland was born in Caldwell on March 18, 1837. He served two, non-consecutive terms as president. He was elected in 1884. He ran for re-election in 1888 and lost to Benjamin Harrison. Cleveland ran again in 1892 and won his second non-consecutive term as president. He is buried in Princeton, NJ where he served as a trustee of Princeton University after he completed his 2nd term as president in 1897….
“In my email to you I neglected to tell you that I produced Bob Hope in a benefit concert in Caldwell, N.J. The afternoon before the evening benefit concert, I had Jeanne and Sal meet Bob Hope after rehearsal. Sal Mascari gave Bob Hope a silver bracelet with Phillip’s name rank and serial number on it. At the concert that night, Bob Hope came on stage, lifted up his jacket sleeve and the French cuff on his shirt, pointed to the bracelet on his wrist and said to the audience–‘The Mascari Family is here tonight…my next song is dedicated to their hero son, Major Phillip Mascari, MIA/POW’. Then Bob Hope sang: ‘Tie a Yellow Ribbon Around the Old Oak Tree.’ The audience gave him a standing ovation with thunderous applause.
“I have served on the board of the USO for 30 years. Bob Hope is the best..and thanks to YouTube you can enjoy his dancing, jokes and singing every year. Thanks for the memories Bob and honoring our home town hero, Major Phillip L. Mascari, POW/MIA, somewhere in Laos and in Heaven forever. RIP.”…
V… HUMBLE HOST FINAL END NOTE… A remembrance left at the VVMF “Wall of Faces” for MAJOR GLENN ALLYN GORDON by his daughter Julie in 2006….
“Daddy- It is hard to believe that it is coming up on 37 years since you were taken away from us. I remember it all like it was yesterday. your funeral was beautiful, but so sad. I remember the 21 gun salute and how I jumped every time they fired the rifles. Thank you for giving your life to your country and the freedoms that go with it. You should also be honored to know that your son just returned from Afghanistan fighting for the same beliefs we all hold near and dear. I love you dad and think of you every day.”…
(Webmaster note: God bless you and your family, Julie. I do all I can every day to honor and remember men such as your father)
Lest we forget… Bear