GOOD MORNING. It’s Monday, 25 March 2019. Humble Host remembers the Vietnam War fought 50 years ago and the thirteen days of “Weeks Seven and Eight” of COMMANDO HUNT I… 24 DECEMBER 1968 through 5 JANUARY 1969…
THE WAR: (24 Dec) ALLIES ACCUSE FOE OF TWO ATTACKS VIOLATING TRUCE–Outposts Are Shelled After Start of 3-Day Cease Fire Declared By Vietcong… (25 Dec) VIOLATIONS MAR TRUCE IN VIETNAM–80 Incidents Are Reported–22 Enemy Soldiers And An American Are Killed… (26 Dec) U.S. OFFICERS MEET VIETCONG AIDES ON POW RELEASE–No Indication of Time Three G.I.’s Would Be Freed–Truce Violations Listed… (27 Dec) G.I. KILLED IN ACTION FOR WEEK IS 161–Lowest Since 16 November–Drop Reflects Lower Level of Contact With Foe After Some Heavier Fighting… (28 Dec) ALLIES AND ENEMY IN MANY CLASHES–But U.S. Allies And Enemy In Many Clashes… (29 Dec) VIETCONG PROPOSE A NEW POW TALK–N.L.F. Radio Asks For A Meeting 1 January On 3 G.I.’s Release… U.S. ABANDONS ARTILLERY BASE NEAR DMZ–Shift Of Tactics… (30 Dec) FOE’S 3-DAY TRUCE REPORTED BEGUN–But Allies Say They Will Ignore Vietcong Cease-Fire… (31 Dec) VIETCONG ASK NEW MEETING ON POW RELEASE… PATHET LAO COMPLAINS U.S. INTENSIFYING IT’S BOMBING IN LAOS… “The Hanoi radio broadcast a complaint from the Pathet Lao today that United States planes were dropping four or five times as many bombs on Communist-held territory in eastern Laos as they did before the bombing of North Vietnam halted Nov. 1. It is through eastern Laos that North Vietnam runs troops and supplies south via the so-called Ho Chi Minh trail. The Pathet Lao message directed to the International Control Commission, said American fliers launched 15,502 sorties and dropped at least 67,780 bombs on Pathet Lao territory in November. A sortie is a combat flight by a single plane.”… (1 Jan) VIETCONG RELEASE THREE AMERICANS–G.I.’s Freed At Second Meeting In Field–Major Held Five Years Returns… (2 Jan) THREE G.I.’S RELEASED BY VIETCONG GET HAMBURGERS AND ICE CREAM… ALLIED CAMPS SHELLED AS TRUCE ENDS… (3 Jan) 12 CIVILIANS DEAD IN VIETNAM BLAST–16 Wounded As Enemy Mine Explodes Under Truck... (3 Jan) 1968 THE MOST COSTLY YEAR IN AMERICAN LIVES… “In terms of lives, 1968 was the most costly year of the war for both American and South Vietnamese troops. However, the margin of South Vietnamese over American deaths was smaller last year than ever before and it seemed to show, if anything, that the United States had borne a greater share of the war’s burden. Unofficial totals for 1968…show that 14,521 Americans died in battle compared with 15,436 South Vietnmese–a difference of fewer than a thousand. Nearly half of the 30,543 Americans who have lost their lives in Vietnam since 1961 were killed last year. There are now about 535,000 American military men in South Vietnam and the Saigon Government has about a million men under arms. The United States troop commitment has more or less stabilized, but the South Vietnamese armed forces continue to grow under President Nguyen Van Thieu’s total mobilization act… (4 Jan) SOUTH VIETNAMESE TIGHTENING SECURITY IN CITIES…More Enemy Caches Found… (5 Jan) AMBUSH OF FOE’S SUPPLY CONVOY REPORTED BY SOUTH VIETNAM… MARINE CHIEF IS DOUBTFUL OF TROOP WITHDRAWAL SOON… “General Leonard F. Chapman Jr., Commandant of the Marine Corps, said today that it was too early to start pulling substantial numbers of troops out of Vietnam. However, he said, ‘such a move could begin in a matter of a year at the rate we are going.’…..”
THE PEACE TALKS: (25 Dec) SAIGON AND THE N.L.F.–Ky Urges His Government A Bit Closer to Political Contacts With Vietcong… “In the last two days Vice President Nguyen Cao Ky has edged the South Vietnamese Government closer toward dealing politically with its battlefield enemy, the National Liberation Front.”… (27 Dec) ENEMY INSISTS ON A ROUND TABLE…Hanoi And NLF Say Plan Must Be Accepted If U.S. Wants An ‘Honorable Peace’… (28 Dec) JOHNSON HOPEFUL ON VIETNAM TALKS–Gives Views At News Parley–Vance Back In Paris, Also Voices Optimism… MANY ON KY STAFF AT TALKS IN PARIS OUSTED BY GOVERNMENT IN SAIGON… (29 Dec) VANCE AND SAIGON AIDE CONFER IN PARIS… (30 Dec) ENEMY NEGOTIATORS IN PARIS REPORTED CONFERRING–Consultation Said To Follow Vance’s Hint That Next Move Is Up To Them… (31 Dec) VANCE AND LAM DROP STRATEGY SESSION… (1 Jan) PARIS DEADLOCK CONTINUES… (2 Jan) TWO SIDES IN PARIS MAINTAIN CONTACT–U.S. And North Vietnam Are Expected To End The Long Delay In The Talks Soon…(3 Jan) U.S. OFFERS PLANS TO END DEADLOCK IN VVIETNAM TALKS–Vance Meets 4-Hours With Hanoi Aide In Paris Progress Is Reported… (4 Jan) HOPE IS GROWING IN PARIS FOR WIDENED TALKS SOON… (5 Jan) VIETNAM ALLIES DISCUSS IMPASSE–U.S. And Saigon Aides Again Study Table And Chairs… “United States and South Vietnamese officials conferred today on ways to break through the flimsy ‘baize barrier’ that still separates the allies from the enemy in the dispute over the shape of the conference table. Even the positioning of chairs in broadened Vietnam talks is now being considered in the search for a procedural agreement, which seems close at hand…'”…
OTHER NYT NEWS DURING THE 1968-69 HOLIDAY SEASON: (24 Dec) APOLLO NEARS MOON ON COURSE–Turns Around To Go Into Orbit–Crew Sends Pictures Of Earth–Astronauts Well–Their Craft Reported Ready for Planned 10 Circumlunar Trips…”Apollo 8 was closing in early today for man’s first voyage around the moon. The craft is scheduled to start its moon orbit at 5:01 this morning, EST. At 2:51 A.M the spacecraft was turned around with the rocket facing the moon. This put the craft in position to be ready to fire the rocket in the crucial slowing maneuver that will enable the Apollo 8 to go into moon orbit.”… ADMIRAL HAILS PUEBLO MEN–They Return To The United States Today–Bucher, Skipper Hailed As Hero–A Routine Court Of Inquiry Into Circumstances Of Seizure Will Be Held… (25 Dec) 3 MEN FLY AROUND THE MOON ONLY 70 MILES FROM SURFACE–Fire Rocket and Head For Earth–Astronauts Examine Vast, Lonely Place–Read From Genesis (many pix of moon, Borman, Anders and Lovell)…oohrah… PUEBLO CREWMEN GREETED ON COAST–Captors Assailed–Relatives Weep And Scream–Captain Asserts North Koreans Are Inhuman… (26 Dec) ASTRONAUTS COMING HOME–Pacific Landing Tomorrow… PUEBLO MEN FACE SENSITIVE INQUIRY–Crew’s Behavior In Capture and Captivity May Raise Many Critical Points... U.S. IS ACCUSED OF SOUTH YEMEN–President Says Conspiracy Operates Through Saudis… BITTER COLD MARKS CHRISTMAS ACROSS NATION… IN CHRISTMAS MESSAGE POPE SAYS FAITH CAN END MANKIND’S ILLS… “Pope Paul VI, in a Christmas message today, diagnosed for the second time in a week the ills of humanity and prescribed a renewal of devotion to Christian values as the cure. “Who among us does not feel the inexorablke voraciousness of time? Who does not see that every human progress is insuffiecient to itself, bearing within it, by reason of its very development, the sentence of its own fall? Who does not observe especially today that every manifestation of life the target for its own pitiless and, in a way logical contestation. Who among us does not bear deep in his heart the wound of mistrust; lack of confidence in himself, weak and sinful as he is; mistrust in others, in society, in civilization, in the world?…We must be born again, we must start over again today, recommence today.”… 27 SURVIVE AIRLINE CRASH IN PENNSYLVANIA–Pilot And Co-Pilot Killed in Alleghany Flight… (28 Dec) WORLD’S LEADERS HAIL APOLLO FEAT–“You Have Made Us Proud” Johnson tells The Crew…Lindsay Plans a Parade…Flight Director Envisages 3 Moon Landings In 1969… 3-MEGATON BLAST SET OFF BY CHINA, U.S. AGENCY SAYS–Explosion Believed to Be Thrermonuclear, Marks The Resumption of Testing Red Chinese… 30 DEAD AT O’HARE AIRPORT–Airliner Bursts Into Flames After Ramming Hangar… U.S. WILL START DELIVERING F-4 PHANTOMS TO ISRAEL IN 1969 … (29 Dec) NIXON MEETS TOP AIDES AND ORDERS VIETNAM STUDY… U.S. PROTESTS RAID IN STRONG TERMS–Timing Of Israeli Attack After Phantom Jet Deal Embarrasses Officials… SOVIET TAKING BACK SEAT–Conceals Aims Of Space Race… CHINA CALLS H-BOMB TEST MAOIST VICTORY–Confirms Nuclear Explosion–stresses Self-Defense… NEW TYPE OF FIELD SEEN FOR PROS–Artificial Turf Could Solve Cold Weather Problems… (30 Dec) U.N. SECURITY COUNCIL HEARS ISRAELIS ASSAILED BY U.S. AND SOVIET–Attack Is No Way To Peace As Session Is Called On Israeli Beirut Raid–Russia Asks Sanctions–Lebanese Denounces Action At Airport As Flagrant And Press For Damages…JOHNSON AIDE SAYS ISRAEL DISRUPTS EFFORT FOR PEACE–President Reported To Term Beirut Raid Serious and Unwise–No Change Seen In Plan For Sale of F-4 Jets in 1969… LEBANON BITTER ON RAID… (31 Dec) ISRAELI’S COMBAT AN EXPECTED VOTE OF CENSURE IN U.N.–Defend Attack–U.N. Resolution Denoumces The Raid And Finds Lebanon Entitled to Compensation For Damages… SOVIET BID TO U.S. FOR MOVE ON MIDDLE EAST DISCLOSED… COLTS 17 POINT FAVORITE OVER JETS IN SUPERBOWL #3… (1 Jan) ISRAELI ATTACK CENSURED BY U.N. … RUSSIAN SUPERSONIC AIRLINER GETS TEST FLIGHT AHEAD OF CONCORDE… (2 Jan) FOREIGN AID STUDY FOR NIXON ADVISES SWEEPING CHANGE–It Stresses Technical Help and Greater Concentrations Among Fewer Nations… (3 Jan) PHOTOS OF SCORPION DISCOUNT AN ATTACK BY SOVIETS… CONGRESS BEGINS NEW TERM TODAY–Democrats Split–Party Differs On How To Confront G.O.P. Administration–McCormack Keeps Post–Defeats Challenge By Udall 178-56–House Liberals Disappointed… (4 Jan) RUSK URGES ARABS AND ISRAELIS HALT CYCLE OF VIOLENCE–Asks Restraint Of Terrorism and Warns That Excessive Retaliation Hurts peace… KOSYGIN IN INTERVIEW STRESSES PERIL IN MIDEAST–New Year Comments, Stress Urgency–Also Cites Vietnam And Arms Race as Urgent Problems… (5 Jan) CZECHS CAUTIONED TO END PROTESTS OR RISK TRAGEDY–Presidium Hints Dissension Over Curbs Could Lead To New Action By the Soviet–Extremists Assailed… THAIS AND U.S. PONDER FATE OF BASES…
OPERATION COMMANDO HUNT I… The following was clipped from the CIA’s PRESIDENT’s DAILY BRIEFING for 29 November 1968: “Special Daily Report on North Vietnam for the President’s Eyes Only…Notes on the Situation”…
“Logistial Development Since the Bombing Halt: The North Vietnamese have been quick to capitalize on the opportunities presented by the bombing halt… (Major redaction of PDB at this point–STILL CLASSIFIED AFTER 50 YEARS+)… As yet there is no firm evidence that the North Vietnamese are undertaking major logistical resupply effort in Laos that would jeopardize allied forces in the I or II Corps areas. More evidence is needed before the significance of the resupply effort north of the Demilitarized Zone can be fully evaluated. (Major redaction of PBD) … Large North Vietnamese coastal ships of up to 2,500 tons have been observed in southern waters for the first time since the bombing began in 1965. By using such coasters, the North Vietnamese are employing the most direct and effective method of moving large amounts of material from Haiphong to the southern Panhandle. Communications indicate that North Vietnamese coastal tracking stations since 1 November have tracked an average of 90 ‘supply vessels’ a day south of the 20th Parallel, compared with about ten a day before the bombing halt…
“Status of US Airmen Downed in North Vietnam: The North Vietnamese captured two U.S. pilots from the two aircraft shot down last Monday and a third airman was found dead, according to intercepted messages. In a conversation on 26 November, one speaker said that a US ‘spy’ plane had been shot down by a missile; one of the pilots had been picked up and the other had died. The speaker also said that another aircraft had been shot down and the pilot had been picked up. The speakers discussed bringing the prisoners back to Hanoi, perhaps in an AN-2 transport. Other intercepts showed an AN-21 making a trip down to Vinh on 26 November, possibly in connection with the prisoners….(On 25 Nov the Navy lost an RA-5C: COMMANDER E.A. STAMM was taken prisoner and died in captivity. His Navigator, LTJG R.C. THUM was killed. On 23 November the Air Force lost an RF-4D. The pilot, CAPTAIN B.G. CUTHBERT, was killed and the Navigator, CAPTAIN M. J. RUHLING was captured)… (Humble Host notes: COMMUNICATIONS INTELLIGENCE was a critical source of intelligence during the war. In 1970 more than 8,500 personnel manned about 30 stations in South Vietnam and numerous detachments dedicated to gathering/intercepting enemy communications. The product was Top Secret and Sensitive and handled in extremely secure facilities. Humble Host will be searching for pertinent declassified SIGINT and COMINT materials to include in these weekly COMMANDO HUNT posts.)…
“Arm Paper on ‘Acts of War’: Hanoi’s army daily on 28 November denounced the US for continuing its ‘encroachments on the soverignty and security’ of North Vietnam. The article singled out alleged US rocketing and bombing of areas in the North after two aircraft were shot down on 25 November. It details the ‘dark schemes’ of the US by pointing to continued reconnaissance ‘over various parts of North Vietnam including Hanoi and Haiphong,’ to artillery and naval gunfire against the northern part of the DMZ, and to bombings and strafings in southern North Vietnam on 25 and 26 November. The article concludes by promising that these ‘acts of war’ will receive ‘due punishment.’ Like other North Vietnamese statements, it avoids saying these actions will prevent opening of the next stage of talks in Paris.”…
AIRCRAFT LOSSES 24 DECEMBER 1968 THROUGH 6 JANUARY 1969… References include: Chris Hobson’s VIETNAM: AIR LOSSES… Seven aircraft lost and five aviators killed in action. In addition, the heroic, but fatal, actions of Air Force Pararescueman, A1C CHARLES DOUGLAS KING…
(1) On Christmas Eve, 24 December an F-4B of the VMFA-314 Black Knights and MAG-13 out of Chu Lai, piloted by CAPTAIN ROBERT DUANE KENT, USMC, and his RIO 1LT RICHARD GIRARD MORIN, USMC, were lost on a night COMMANDO HUNT strike mission in southern Laos. The aircraft was hit by enemy ground fire while bombing a seven truck convoy 30 miles southwest of Khe Sanh and perished in the night. There was no indication of an ejection, no voice communication, no beeper and no emergency radio transmission. Gone. Subsequent searches failed to find a crash site. Fifty years later, CAPTAIN KENT and 1LT MORIN remain where they fell on the battlefield in Southeast Asia. They are “presumed dead.” They are memorialized with markers in Arlington National Cmemtery… THEY WERE LEFT BEHIND… The search goes on…
(2) On 24 December an F-105D of the 354th TFS and 355th TFW out of Takhli, Piloted by MAJOR CHARLES RICHARD BROWNLEE on a COMMANDO HUNT strike in southern Laos was executing attacks on a truck convoy near the Ban Karai Pass when hit by enemy ground fire. MAJOR BROWNLEE was able to maneuver his striken Thunderchief a few miles from the concentration of enemy troops before ejecting. He was able to contact his wingman on his survival radio as the sun was going down and a rescue attempt was set up for first light on Christmas Day. At dawn an HH-3 returned to attempt the rescue of MAJOR BROWNLEE. Pararescueman A1C CHARLES DOUGLAS KING descended 100-feet into the jungle, where he found MAJOR BROWNLEE hanging in his parachute suspended from a maze of tree branches. A1C KING freed the downed aviator and attached him to the penetrator. Unfortunately, enemy troops came on the scene with guns blazing. A1C KING radioed that he had been hit and called for the hovering helicopter to retract the rescue penetrator. The cable hung up in the trees and snapped, dropping MAJOR BROWNLEE back into the jungle. The helo was hit in the cockpit and a fuel tank and forced to retire. A two day search by a ground force (likely Bright Light) failed to find the two Air Force warriors. They were listed as missing in action. In 1986 a Laotian refugee arrived in the United States who claimed to have witnessed the capture and removal from the area of A1C KING. His identification papers were seen on display in Hanoi’s Central Army Museum, but his fate remains unknown. During the period that they were listed as MIA both were promoted, MAJOR BROWNLEE to COLONEL, and A1C KING to CHIEF MASTER SARGEANT. COLONEL BROWNLEE is memorialized with a stone monument in the Santa Fe National Cemetery.
A1C KING was awarded the AIR FORCE CROSS (Posthumously) (See RIPPLE SALVO below). Over the years his memory and valor have been recognized in many ways. A dormitory at Andrews Air Force Base carries his name–King Manor. At Scott Air Force Base, First Street was renamed KING STREET. On 27 February 1990, another dormitory–KING MANOR at March Air Force Base– was named in his honor, and on 15 Novembrer 1996 a building was dedicated in his honor at Hickam AFB in Hawaii. In October 2012 U.S. Bypass 61 in Muscatine, Iowa, was renamed “DOUGLAS KING MEMORIAL EXPRESSWAY”… He is also memorialized in Hawaii at Honolulu Memorial Cemetery with thousands of others still missing in Southeast Asia and lost, or buried, at sea in the Pacific theater during World War II, the Korean War and the Vietnam War. “Their remains have never been recovered, but their sacrifices have not been forgotten.”…
(3) On 26 December an F-100D Super Sabre of the 416th TFS and 37th TFW out of Phu Cat piloted by CAPTAIN N.H. DUNCAN had completed a COMMANDO HUNT strike in southern Laos and was returning to Phu Cat when hit by small arms fire over Laos. He continued toward Phu Cat but was forced to eject from the faltering aircraft three miles from the runway. He was rescued to fly and fight again.
(4) On 29 December an F-100C of the 120th TFS and 35th TFW out of Phan Rang was the last fixed wing aircraft lost by the United States in Southeast Asia in 1968. It was piloted by CAPTAIN J.E. O’NEILL and was shot down by ground fire while executing multiple close air support attacks in southwest South Vietnam. CAPTAIN O’NEILL was forced to eject and was rescued by an Army helicopter…
(5) On 3 January 1969 an A-4C of the VA-216 Black Diamonds embarked in USS CORAL SEA piloted by LTJG R.M. AARON was lost in a COMMANDO HUNT shootout with a 37mm gun site in southern Laos. He was hit delivering his string of MK-82s on the gunsite but was able to keep his Skyhawk flying, including two restarts of a vibrating engine, until he was over the sea east of Chu Lai, where he ejected to be rescued by a Marine helo crew. This was the only Navy aircraft lost in Southeast Asia in January 1969…
(6) and (7) On 4 January two F-100C’s of the 188th TFS (New Mexico ANG) and 31st TFW out of Tuy Hoa piloted by MAJOR BOBBY GENE NEELD and CAPTAIN MITCHELL SIM LANE disappeared over South Vietnam after completing a successful attack mission. Bad weather at Tuy Hoa forced the pair to divert to Cam Ranh Bay. They requested a VFR approach to Cam Ranh Bay but never showed up. There were no further voice transmissions, beepers heard or parachutes seen. A lengthy search failed to find a crash site for what was deemed to have been a mid-air collision between the two squadronmates. Fifty years later MAJOR NEELD and CAPTAIN LANE remain where they fell in South Vietnam… Their courageous service and sacrifice is remembered here on the fiftieth anniversary of their deaths…
RIPPLE SALVO… During the Vietnam war the Air Force awarded nineteen (19) AIR FORCE CROSS medals, ten (10) were awarded to PARARESCUEMEN, none more courageous than A1C CHARLES DOUGLAS KING… He was among the bravest of the brave. On Christmas Day, 1968 he was a Pararescueman on “Jolly Green 17” out of Nakhon Phanom and did not hesitate to lay his life on the line for F-105 Thunderchief warrior MAJOR CHARLES RICHARD BROWNLEE (See above). The rescue was interrupted by enemy troops and gunfire and both MAJOR BROWNLEE and A1C KING were left seriously wounded on the ground in Laos. Their fate remains unknown. Where they rest in peace, God only knows.
Humble Host takes this opportunity to express highest respect and admiration for the PARARESCUEMEN who never wavered from their most hazardous duty to rescue downed aviators in Southeast Asia. Herewith, the Citation for the AIR FORCE CROSS awarded to A1C KING, one of ten Vietnam war era Pararescuemen so honored …
“The President of the United States of America takes pride in presenting the AIR FORCE CROSS (Posthumously) to AIRMAN FIRST CLASS CHARLES DOUGLAS KING, United States Air Force, for EXTRAORDINARY HEROISM in connection with military operations against an opposing armed force as a Pararescueman in an HH-3E Rescue Helicopter of Detachment 1, 40th Aerospace Rescue and Recovery Squadron, 3rd Air Rescue and Recovery Group, Nakhon Phanom Royal Thai Air Base, Thailand, in action near Ban Lathama, Mahaxia District, Khammlouan Province, Laos, on 25 December 1968. On that date, AIRMAN KING was aboard a helicopter engaged in the rescue of a downed United States Air Force pilot from an extremely hostile area. With complete disregard for his own safety, AIRMAN KING voluntarily descended on a rescue hoist more than one hundred feet to the ground to aid the injured pilot. Once on the groud, he carried the rescue device to the pilot, freed him from the parachute, secured him to the rescue device, and then used the cable device to drag the pilot to a point near the hovering helicopter. Suddenly, enemy soldiers closed in and directed automatic weapons fire at AIRMAN KING, the injured pilot, and the hovering helicopter. Though wounded, AIRMAN KING, in an extraordinary display of courage and valor, placed his comrades lives above his own by refusing to continue their exposure to the murderous enemy fire. Without taking time to secure himself to the hoist cable, he radioed that he was hit and for the helicopter to pull away. AIRMAN KING made this selfless decision with the full realization that once the helicopter departed, he would be alone, wounded, and surrounded by armed, hostile forces. Through his professional dedication aggressiveness, and extraordinary heroism, AIRMAN KING reflected the highest credit upon himself and the United States Air Force.” …. Oohrah…
Lest we forget… Bear
Thank you for your comment, Laura. God Bless America!
THANK you so, so much for this reminder that freedom is never free. A few weeks ago, I was at an event where one of the men wore a T-shirt stating “We walk among giants” and bearing the Air Force logo. So true. Thank you again.