1. “Admiral Kinnear is probably the first enlisted man to rise to the rank of four-star admiral after having been commissioned without a college degree.”

    In reading the post recognizing Admiral Kinnear, it is crystal clear that The Mustang Prayer aptly describes the life and times of this Mustang.

    The Mustang Prayer

    Almighty God:

    The term “MUSTANG” is defined in our language as a “Creature of Mixed and Multiple Breeding.” When applied as a label to sea service personnel, it is a fitting one, because they have come from every ethnic, religious, and educational walk of life.

    The tie that binds them in unity is their love of Naval Service, their proficiency and dedication to excellence in the performance of their duties, and their genuine concern for the welfare of their Shipmates. Each is a professional who has come up through the ranks and “Knows the Ropes!”

    May our nation be eternally grateful for these men and women who have served it so well for generations. May you bless their past with an infectious spirit, which will continue throughout their ranks today and long into the generations that follow them in the future.


    Commander Charles L. Lapp
    Chaplain Corps, US Navy

  2. Adm. Gus Kinnear and I served together in VA-12, where he continued his prowess as an outstanding aviator and competitive athlete by participating in all squadron intra-mural sports.

    We crossed paths again when he reported aboard the USS Enterprise as a P-CAG. He flew several combat missions with our squadron, VA-113 during this temporary assignment.

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