Maine Miltary Museum (Be sure to check out their excellent Prisoner of War pages—Lots of rare media unavailable anywhere else) 

Vietnam Virtual Wall – Wall of Faces – Leave a Remembrance

Dallas Airport Passengers Silently Salute the Return of a Fallen Hero

Vietnam Veterans Virtual Memorial Wall

Vietnam War Resources courtesy of Tom Pilsch

Vietnam Air War – Going Downtown with F-4 pilots Col. Robert Ettinger and Col. Roy Martin (USAF retired)

Stand Proud

US Navy, Marine and Air Force Fixed Wing Aircraft Losses and Damages in SE Asia 1962-1973

The Vietnam Air War | Episodes 9-12 | National Archives

The infamous Dragon’s Jaw Bridge

The Prisoner of War | Magazine | Campbell University (Story of LCDR Red McDaniel POW 19 May 1967)

The IGLOO WHITE sensors… held over for COMMANDO HUNT”

P.O.W. Network – You are Not Forgotten 


Linebacker II – Sully

Walter Cronkite’s TET 1968 Broadcasts

National Museum of the USAF

Bombing of Ho Chi Mihn Trail (NY Times)

A Soldier’s Pledge

Dr. Martin Luther King – The Casualties of the Vietnam War

Lady Jessie

Recipients of the Navy Cross

Veterans of Foreign War

Vietnam – 50 Years Later – Narrated by Sam Elliot

Memorial Day – Arlington by Trace Adkins

Here’s to the Hero’s

Two Minutes of Terror – Art Long VF-151, USS Midway CVA-41

Veteran Tributes

Texas Tech University Vietnam War Archive

Tailhook Association

The Cold War Museum

The United States Air Force in Vietnam 1967

Ready On Arrival

Vietnam War Peace Talks

VA-15 1967 (Our Second Vietnam Deployment) by Bo Smith

Naval Air War-The Rolling Thunder Campaign (Naval History & Heritage Command (PDF)

Effects of Air Power North Vietnam 1965-1968 (ZIP file of four PDFs)

Winding Down the War-1968-1973 (Naval History & Heritage Command

The Daring Plan to Mine Haiphong Harbor

Targeting the Ho Chi Minh Trail

Taking Air Power for Granted: A Smart Bomb Story

Misty Facs Over North Vietnam and Laos: 1967-1970

How White House Interference And Enemy Intelligence Cost American Airmen Their Lives In Vietnam (HistoryNet may be behind paywall)

How Operation Linebacker II Took the North Vietnamese By Surprise (HistoryNet may be behind paywall)

Linebacker: Overview of the First 120 Days (PDF)

How POWs Tried to Escape North Vietnam with Help from the Navy SEALS FASCINATING (HistoryNet may be behind paywall)

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