RIPPLE SALVO… #444…Presidential Proclamation 3785 of 22 May 1967, Prayer for Peace, Memorial Day… but first…
Good Morning: Day FOUR HUNDRED FORTY-FOUR looking back at an air war of attrition called Rolling Thunder
23 MAY 1967…HEAD LINES AT HOME from The New York Times on a gloomy Tuesday in New York…
Page 1: “Johnson Decries Vietnam Impasse”... “President Johnson called upon enemy leaders in Vietnam today to help negotiate a way ‘out of this bloody impasse.’ In a Memorial Day proclamation designating next Tuesday, 30 May, a day of ‘prayer for peace,’ the President pledged to ‘continue to resist the aggressor’ but also ‘to hold open the door for an honorable peace’ His use of the word impasse reflected the widespread conviction among officers here in D.C. that neither the Viet Cong’s political strength in South Vietnam nor the United States overwhelming military superiority was likely to give the other side a decisive edge soon.”… Page 3: “24-Hour Truce Begun in Vietnam”… “A 24-hour allied cease-fire, marking the 2,511th birthday of Buddha went into effect at one minute after midnight today…The air war over North Vietnam will be limited to reconnaissance flights, although raids into Laos were expected to continue.”... Page 1: “Allies Withdraw From Buffer Zone”… “The First phase of a major effort to clear out the DMZ has ended with pullback of American and South Vietnamese forces to a defensive front line just south of the zone…taking position and forming a bulwark facing a free fire zone. ‘If we see people in there, they’ve had it,’ said Major General Bruno Hochmuth, commander of Marine forces in the area.”…
Page 1: “Cairo Acts to Bar Israeli ships in Gulf of Aqaba”… “President Gamal Abdel Nasser has announced that the United Arab Republic had decided to prevent Israeli ships and other ships carrying strategic cargoes to Israel, from passing through the mouth of the Gulf of Aqaba, Israeli only maritime outlet to the south and east.’The Israel flag shall not go through the Gulf. If Israel wishes to threaten war we tell you, you are welcome.’ Israel’s Eshkol urges a mutual pullback saying Israel has no interest in violating the security territory or rights of Arab nations.”… Page 1: “Fanfani of Italy Exhorts Combatants in War”… “Foreign Minister Amintore Fanfani renewed his Government’s appeal to the United States today to stop the bombing of North Vietnam. He also urged North Vietnam leaders to demonstrate that the suspension of bombing would not be used to ‘better’ their military position.”…
Page 2: President Johnson’s Proclamation and Prayer for Peace, Memorial Day 1967…
By the President of the United States of America, Proclamation…
In reverent tribute on this Memorial Day 1967 we salute the gallant men of our country who have served us and still serve us so nobly and selflessly in defense of freedom.
We can never repay their sacrifice. Our honored dead sleep in hollowed ground on five continents. The debt we owe them, and that our children will owe for generations to come is beyond measure.
Today our young men are fighting and dying in Vietnam so that other young men may stand as they have stood–proudly independent, free to determine their own destiny. Before their common sacrifice and dedication the barriers of race, color or creed crumble. The heroism of a just cause makes all men brothers against tyranny.
Every President in time of armed conflict must act in the deep conviction that the cause for which our young men suffer and die transcends their sacrifices.
A century ago President Lincoln expressed his grief over the terrible losses of the war between the states. He pointed out that all deprecated war, all sought to avoid it, but as there were those who would make war, so there must be those who could accept war.
We have had to accept the war in Vietnam to redeem our pledge to those who have accepted in good faith our commitment to protect their right of free choice. Only in this way can we preserve our own right to act in freedom.
So we shall continue to resist the aggressor in Vietnam, as we must. But we continue to hold open the door to an honorable peace, as we must.
On this hallowed day, on behalf of the American people–indeed, on behalf of all the people of the world, I repeat to the leaders of those whom we fight: Let us end this tragic waste; let us sit down together to chart the simple course to peace; let us together lead our people out of this bloody impasse.
And I ask you, my fellow Americans, to join me in prayer that the voice of reason and humanity will be heeded, that this tragic struggle can soon be brought to an end.
The Congress in a joint resolution approved May 11, 1950 has requested the President to issue a proclamation calling upon the people of the United States to observe each Memorial Day as a day of prayer for permanent peace and designating a period during each day when the people of the United States might unite in such supplication.
Now, therefore, I, Lyndon B. Johnson, President of the United States, do hereby designate Memorial Day, Tuesday May 30, 1967 as a day of prayer for permanent peace and I designate the hour beginning in each locality at eleven o’clock in the morning of that day to unite in prayer….
I also urge all of the people of the Nation to join me in prayer to the Almighty for the safety of our Nation’s sons and daughters around the world, for His blessing on those who have sacrificed their lives for this Nation in this and all other struggles, and for His aid in building a world where freedoms and justice prevail, and where all men live in friendship, understanding, and peace.”
In Witness Whereof ……. LBJ
23 May 1967… The President’s TS Daily CIA Briefing (sanitized): 1. ARAB STATES-ISRAEL: (short summary) More than 12 hours have passed since Nasir threw down the gauntlet and announced closure of the Gulf of Aqaba to Israeli shipping. The Israelis have made it clear such action would be considered a cause for war. …The Israelis may be planning a preemptive strike, but the fact is they did not hit Egyptian positions at first light this morning (Tel Aviv is six hours ahead of Washington) suggests they may be waiting until the Egyptians try to stop a ship…U Thant arrives in Cairo this morning and he undoubtedly will try to pull Nasir back from the brink. U Thant’ prospects are considered slim…. If Israel attacks Egypt, Syria would become involved. Iraq and Algeria might offer military aid. Support from the other Arab states would be more vocal than practical. We still believe the Israelis are capable of defeating any combination of Arabs…
“The President of the United States takes pleasure in presenting the AIR FORCE CROSS to LIEUTENANT COLONEL ROBERT F. TITUS, United States Air Force, for EXTRAORDINARY HEROISM in military operations against an opposing armed force as an F-4C Mission Commander in the 389th Tactical Fighter Squadron, 366th Tactical Fighter Wing, DaNang Air Base, Vietnam, SEVENTH air Force, in action near Hanoi, North Vietnam, on 22 May 1967. On that date, Colonel TITUS led his flight into one of the most heavily defended areas of North Vietnam in direct support of a F-105 strike aircraft operations. Undaunted by accurate flak and five surface-to-air missiles that were launched at his aircraft, he repeatedly and unhesitatingly engaged numerous MiG-21s in defense of friendly aircraft. During these aggressive and courageous aerial encounters, Colonel TITUS destroyed two MiG-21 aircraft. As a direct result of his tenacity and extreme bravery in the face of great danger, the F-105 force was able to accomplish is assigned mission. Through his extraordinary heroism, superb airmanship, and aggressiveness in the face of hostile forces. Lieutenant Colonel TITUS reflected the highest credit upon himself and the United States Air Force.”
Among Lieutenant Colonel TITUS’ combat awards: The Air Force Cross; the Silver Star; four awards of the Distinguished Flying Cross; the Bronze Star; 24 awards of the Air Medal and the Air Force Commendation Medal…. oohrah!!!….
23 May 1967… OPERATION ROLLING THUNDER... New York Times…Devoid of air war coverage, however there was this note: “As the truce began today developments in the air war over the North were not disclosed. The Air Force announced that the leading pilot Colonel ROBIN OLDS had been credited with shooting down his fourth MIG”… oohrah!
Vietnam: Air Losses” (Chis Hobson) There were no fixed wing aircraft lost in Southeast Asia on 23 May 1967.
RIPPLE SALVO… #444… From the President’s Daily Diary… The President put in a long day that included the Tuesday Luncheon with Rusk, McNamara, Rostow, Helms and Christian. The bombing of the North was on the agenda. (see yesterday’s RTR and the CIA Quiz). As the President wrapped up calls and visits in the Oval Office at 8:35 p.m. to head for “the Mansion” and dinner with Ladybird and the dinner guests, he asked his Chief of Staff if he had much “night reading” before bed. The reply was “a fair amount.” The President followed up: “How many night reading pieces do I have a night, approximately?” Reply: “About 60, sometimes more. Approximately.” … His dinner with guests was over at 11:10 and the last entry in the Daily Diary for 23 May 1967 was at 11:45 p.m.: “President Retires.” (to read, think, pray…?.. ) There were no easy days in his life either… PS: On 24 May he took a call from the Situation Room at 3:09 a.m…..
Lest we forget… Bear